I work to create enduring products that serve people.
2016, BoseInvolving users in the creation of a portable audio system
︎ Sketching
︎ Form development
︎ 3D modeling
︎ 3D printing
︎ Electronics prototyping
︎ System assembly and testing
︎ Sketching
︎ Form development
︎ 3D modeling
︎ 3D printing
︎ Electronics prototyping
︎ System assembly and testing
︎ Use conduction drivers
︎ Use off-the-shelf electronics
︎ Minimize size and weight
︎ Allow for maximum mounting flexibility
︎ Create a fully-functioning audio system prototype
︎ Use conduction drivers
︎ Use off-the-shelf electronics
︎ Minimize size and weight
︎ Allow for maximum mounting flexibility
︎ Create a fully-functioning audio system prototype
In this project, I explored the idea of a speaker that invites people to collaborate in finding their own unique use cases.
During experimentation with conduction drivers, I found that high audio output (per unit volume) can be achieved by forcing the driver into contact with a suitable object. With this in mind, I created a design that allows people to easily strap a pair of battery-powered and Bluetooth-connected conduction drivers to a variety of objects to transform them into radiant acoustic surfaces.
I decided to leverage an Apple Watch strap as a flexible yet strong attachment strap with a common interface. As prototyped, the device can be strapped to objects from around 30mm to 90mm in size. I found that it works well when attached to bicycle tubes, cups, helmets, or bottles.
This concept opens up a world of possibility for the user, who is able to invent new applications with their own unique acoustic properties. Want to change the sound of your water-bottle-turned-speaker? Take a drink and see what happens.